Community Service

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis Supports PATCHES

PATCHES PPECLa Cava Jacobson & Goodis Miami office made a donation this holiday season to PATCHES PPEC. PATCHES PPEC takes care of medically complex children and their families. They deeply believe that every child deserves to live free of pain and be as healthy as they can be to grow and play. The name PATCHES stands for Pediatric Alternative Treatment, Care, Housing & Evaluation Services, Inc., while PPEC means
Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care.

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis is pleased to partner and support the outstanding and compassionate care PATCHES provides to children with complex medical conditions in the Miami-Dade area.


Giving Back to Cities Around Florida

Each year during the holidays, La Cava Jacobson & Goodis makes a monetary donation to a charity in each city where we have an office. We have a tradition in our firm of emphasizing community service. Our employees supplement the donation with their own monetary or food donations. We remain committed to support the communities throughout the state of Florida where we practice. We thank our employees and our clients for putting us in a position to help whenever we can. Here is a list of groups we support this past holiday season:



La Cava Jacobson & Goodis Supports Toys for Tots

Toys for TotsLa Cava Jacobson & Goodis is happy to let our clients, friends and colleagues know that this year one of our charitable recipients was Toys-for-Tots.  We are keenly aware of the needs in our society, especially with the economic issues with which we have all been faced.  We recognize that we are extremely blessed, but there are countless others who are not in our position.

In lieu of fruitcakes, cheese baskets and the like, this year the Firm gave over 250 separate contributions to Toys-for-Tots.  Each donation was made in honor of an individual client, and each honoree received an email from Toys-for-Tots acknowledging the gift.  Over 250 children in the communities where our clients reside will now have holiday gifts, which they otherwise may not have received.

As you will see from the Firm’s other charitable work, an important focus of our giving is directed to children, most notably those in financial need and those in need of medical care that their families could not afford.  Thank you for being part of our extended family and playing a role in putting smiles on children’s faces in your communities.

Juanita Serrano Volunteers at Wills for Heroes Foundation

Juanita Serrano recently volunteered time at the Wills for Heroes Foundation. The Wills for Heroes programs provide essential legal documents free of charge to our nation’s first responders, including wills, living wills, and powers of attorney. By helping first responders plan now, they ensure their family’s legal affairs are in order before a tragedy hits.

Wills for Heroes Foundation

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis Supports Tampa Kiwanis

Kiwanis Club of Tampa’s 54th Annual BBQ FundraiserLa Cava Jacobson & Goodis supported the Kiwanis Club of Tampa’s 54th Annual BBQ Fundraiser. Boxed lunches were purchased by La Cava Jacobson & Goodis for the staff at our Tampa office. The Kiwanis Club of Tampa’s 54th Annual BBQ fundraiser supports the mission to serve the children and seniors of the Tampa Bay community.

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis Supports the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Charity Golf Tournament

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis sponsored the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office 26th Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Our foursome placed 2nd at this years event. Founded by the Florida Sheriff’s Association as a nonprofit, residential childcare agency in 1957, the Youth Ranches’ statewide network of care has served thousands of Florida’s needy and deserving children. All proceeds benefit the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches. The Foundation contributes to the success of youth boys and girls across the state by providing educational, leadership, and life skill programs.

Pinellas County Sheriff's Charity Golf Tournament 2022


La Cava Jacobson & Goodis Helping Deliver Christmas Magic for St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis participated in the St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital Foundation’s annual “Christmas in July” Donation Drive. Christmas in July enables the Child Life Team at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital to offer fun and creative activities that bring the gift of “comfort and joy” for very special children during their hospital stays. As part of the event, April La Cava brought her mini therapy horses from Hold Our Horses, to interact with the children and volunteers.

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis is a proud sponsor of St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital Foundation, and looks forward to continuing to do their part to bring “comfort and joy” to these remarkable children in our community.


St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital CAR-NIVAL Prom

St. Joseph’s Children’s HospitalApril La Cava along with her miniature therapy horses from Hold Our Horses, attended St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital Special CAR-NIVAL Prom. The hospital hosted the carnival-themed event for its teenage patients who were unable to attend their own dance and younger patients who due to chronic or life-threatening conditions, may never get the opportunity. Pediatric patients and their families stepped right up and had a ball during the drive-thru prom. The Child Life team at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, with support from the St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital Foundation, organizes special events like prom in an effort to provide patients with experiences that they might not otherwise have due to treatment and hospitalization.

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis Supports St. Joseph’s Hospital 2022 Heroes Ball

La Cava Jacobson & Goodis - 2022 Heroes BallLa Cava Jacobson & Goodis was a sponsor for this year’s St Joseph’s Hospital Foundation’s Heroes Ball. April and Lou La Cava attended the event on behalf of the firm, along with Tom and Jane Saieva, Dr. Ben and Flor Mendoza and Dr. William and Toni Blackshear. The entire table participated in the silent auction and made donations which supported the Howard and Deanna Bayless Children’s Cancer Institute. Thaddeus Bullard aka WWE’s Titus O’Neil was the community hero recognizing his philanthropy and to all he does for the children of Tampa Bay. Over one million dollars was raised at the event which will help treat and cure childhood cancer.