Firm News

Brett P. Gliosca Selected For Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Editorial Advisory Board

Brett P. Gliosca

Law360 is pleased to announce the formation of its 2020 Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Editorial Advisory Board. The editorial advisory board provides feedback on Law360’s coverage and expert insight on how best to shape future coverage.

Brett P. Gliosca has been selected to be a participant on this year’s Law360’s 2020 Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Editorial Advisory Boards. He has served on the Board since 2019.

Brett Gliosca represents physicians, nurses, hospitals and other health care facilities throughout the state of Florida in catastrophic medical malpractice claims. He began his career representing one of the nation’s largest public hospital and nursing home facilities.

Presentation on Medical Errors Presented by Lou La Cava

Louis J. La CavaLou La Cava was a speaker at Ocala Regional Medical Center’s and The Marion County Medical Society’s CME on Medical Errors. The presentation included information on the types of medical errors that are likely to lead to litigation, how to avoid them and other topics covering medical malpractice litigation in Florida. Physicians who attended this presentation obtained obtained two hours of continuing medical education.

Lou La Cava spoke at Obstetric and Gynecology Grand Rounds

Louis J. La CavaLou La Cava spoke at Obstetric and Gynecology Grand Rounds on the topic, Avoiding Litigation, Is it Possible. The audience included attending physicians, residents and medical students. The presentation included information on medical malpractice litigation, Florida medical malpractice law, patient care and how medical errors can be avoided.

Lou La Cava Presents at Neurosurgery Grand Rounds

Louis J. La CavaLou La Cava spoke at Neurosurgery Grand Rounds on the topic, Avoiding Litigation, Is It possible? The audience included attending physicians, residents and medical students. The presentation included information on medical malpractice litigation, Florida medical malpractice law, patient care and how medical errors can be avoided.

America's Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators

Louis J. La Cava Selected For America’s Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators®

America's Top 100 Civil Defense LitigatorsAnnouncing the selection of Louis J. La Cava among America’s Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators® for 2019. Only the top 100 qualifying defense litigators in each state will receive this honor and be selected for membership among America’s Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators®. With these extremely high standards for selection to America’s Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators®, less than one-half percent (0.5%) of active attorneys in the United States will receive this honor — truly the most exclusive and elite level of litigators in the community.

Florida Alliance of Paralegal Associations

Juanita Serrano Presents at the Florida Alliance of Paralegal Associations Seminar

Juanita SerranoParalegal Juanita Serrano presented at the Florida Alliance of Paralegal Associations Annual Seminar May 18th on The Trial Paralegal Preparation of Exhibits and Electronic Trial Notebooks.

Juanita also joined the American Alliance of Paralegals, Inc. and obtained their national certification AACP (American Alliance Certified Paralegal).

Avoiding Litigation Presentation at Tampa General Hospital

David S. NelsonDavid S. Nelson presented “Avoiding Litigation” to the Department of Surgery at Tampa General Hospital.

La Cava & Jacobson Support Daniel Plasencia, M.D. and the Complex Clinic

I would like to thank all of our employees and our clients for putting us in a position to give back to the community. The Daniel J. Plasencia, M.D. Children’s Chronic Complex Clinic coordinates care for children with complex medical issues including premature birth, cancer, blood diseases, congenital disorders, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, heart disease and autism. These children may have developmental delays in cognitive, motor and speech skills. It acts as a central “medical home” for chronic complex children and facilitates care among all medical specialists. The Clinic can also provide for the psychosocial needs of these children and family support. Being able to provide one of the exam rooms at this wonderful facility is truly an honor. We could not do it without the hard work of our employees and the trust and support of our clients.

Thank you!

Louis J. La Cava

Kari Jacobson Spoke At The Hospitality Law Conference

Kari K. JacobsonKari Jacobson spoke at The Hospitality Law Conference in Houston, Texas, on April 10, 2019, on the subject of Avoiding and Defending Foodborne Illness Claims in Hotels and Restaurants – How to Avoid a Food-borne Fiasco!

Daneil McAuliffe Judges Event Tor The NCFCA

Daneil McAuliffe served as a judge in the regional speech and debate tournament of the National Christian Forensics and Communication Association (NCFCA). The NCFCA is a the third largest high school speech and debate league in the country. The tournament included students from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina and was held March 21-23 in Sarasota, Florida.